Muppets Canine Therapy
Professional care for your pets wellbeing
​Hydrotherapy Physiotherapy Massage Theraputic exercises
Canine Fertility Clinic
Welcome to the caring world of Muppets Canine Therapy
Kate has been working with animals all of her life from farm animals to domestic pets. Over the last 39 years she has built up her portfolio of rehabilitation techniques and tried and tested modalities to help in her goal of providing a safe and effective way to improve the quality of dogs lives.
This improvement can be post surgery, following trauma, for sufferers of genetic abnormalities or for improving performance in sporting and working dogs.
A combination of many techniques can be applied to achieve the best possible outcome for each individual dog.
These techniques include hydrotherapy, hydro-treadmill, laser, massage, PEMF, deep tissue massage
superficial tissue release, physical exercises and many more
By using rehabilitation techniques in a structured and experienced way, dogs can return to exercise, work and play without the over use of medication. Even older dogs can benefit from many forms of physiotherapy and hydrotherapy to ease their suffering of arthritic changes and muscle loss.
The ultimate goals of physiotherapy are similar for humans and animals. One of the major differences within the species is that with human physiotherapy the aim is generally to encourage movement through knowledge and guidance, whereas with animals, the aim is to restrict undesired and harmful movement and encourage beneficial movement and confidence.
A human can be told to rest a limb or muscle group, whereas an animal is often reluctant to cage rest and due to most animals skilful ability to adapt, quite often they will learn to compensate rather move correctly. Therefore the overall goals for animal physiotherapy are
a) To promote effective healing
b) To return the animal back to its previous level of exercise or work
c) To return to pain free movement
d) To minimise compensatory adaptation
e) To reduce secondary loss of function
f) To encourage quality movement